Years 5 and 6 Use Blue Tooth and Have A Car Rally, Do The Green City Challenge and Get A Bug Out Of A Box.

Dear Bloggers,

Last week was VERY busy for all stage 3 Lego Robotics Students.

The students who attended the Gifted and Talented Science Incursion continued their work using blue tooth and we had an interclass car rally. This involved programming a Master Robot to use blue tooth to control the Slave. Below is a picture of the students with their Master Bots getting them ready for the rally.

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The slaves were the racing bots.

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The audience were captivated…I love their smiles and enthusiasm.

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Whilst this was happening two other students groups were carrying out the Green City Challenge and here is the video of them solving the problem of the old chimney stack on the factory and replacing it with a new one.


Still more was happening as the rest of the class was involved in the ‘Get The Bug Out of the Box Challenge’.

Using a light sensor only the children were required to get their Bug-Bots out of the box as quickly as possible.  There were three different boxes and the Bugs started in different places in each and the winning team wrote separate programs for each box.

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Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick


Vampire-Bots for Years 5 and 6

Dear Bloggers,

Years 5 and 6 designed and made Vampire Bots.  The robots had light sensors to detect light and dark.  We all know that Vampires love the dark and hate the light….and the children skilfully programmed their bots to show this.

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Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick

Green City Challenge – Solar Power

Dear Bloggers,

Some very talented students in 5/6Y embarked on the Green City challenge to raise a Solar Cell and place it onto the roof of a house.  Matthew and Declan ingeniously created a crane operated by two touch sensors  while Hugh and Finn skilfully built and programmed a robot with a flipping arm to pick up and place the solar cell.  Both teams did an excellent job.

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Thanks for calling by


Mrs Garlick

Green City Extension Work

Dear Bloggers,

Today our talented girls demonstrated to the class how their Green City Extension work was going.  They attempted to lift up a clean chimney stack and knock down the old one to release the energy brick and do their part in keeping the environment clean.  They are working really well and the class enjoyed watching their display.

chloe green city



Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick

Light and Dark is Important in Years 5 and 6 when you are following a line and being a ‘Vampire’.

Dear Bloggers,

Students in Years 5 and 6 are continuing to master the challenge of following a black line using a light sensor and a program containing an ‘if statement’.  Fast worker are creating Vampires.  These  bots use their light sensors to distinguish between light and dark and they exhibit appropriate ‘Vampire behaviours’ depending on the percentage of light reflected.  One talented group has their ‘Vampire -Bot’ falling to its knees when it sees light.

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Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick

Years 5 and 6 Follow the Black line

Dear Bloggers,

The students used the data logging software to collect values about the amount of light reflected from different colours.  They had to use this knowledge to program their robot to follow a black line.  The basic  building base the students had on their bots was 4 rigid wheels and the pupils had to add a swivel wheel to their design to successfully follow the line.  Some of the swivel wheels they designed are shown below….often very simple can be very effective.


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Thanks for calling by


Mrs Garlick

Years 5 and 6 Data Log How Much Light Is Reflected From Different Colours


Dear Bloggers,

Years 5 and 6 equipped their robots with a light sensor, built a driving base and programmed their ‘Bot’ to drive over different stripes of colours and collect the data about the percentage of  reflected light.  This was uploaded to the computer and graphs created.  The students analysed the graphs to see how much light was reflected by the various colours and they predicted values for other colours.


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Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick


Years 5 and 6 Data Log to find out how loud they really are.

Dear Bloggers,

Years 5 and 6 have started using their robots to data log.  Today they programmed their robots to collect the data about how loud their voices were.  Students first drew a graph predicting their results and then superimposed this with their actual results.  Different data sets were collected as the students tried to make increasingly accurate predictions.  We then analysed the graphs looking at the loudest and softest sounds they made.

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Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick

The Green City Challenge for Gifted and Talented students in Years 5 and 6

Dear Bloggers,

Some children from Years 5 and 6 have  been targeted to take part in the Gifted and Talented ‘Green City Challenge’ at GEPS.

Please see  for details about the challenge click on Green City in the Tag Cloud. is a link to the details of the first challenge.

Here are some photos of the students demonstrating and explaining their work to the class.

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Thanks for calling by


Mrs Garlick

Yr 5 and 6 Friend or Foe-Bot (Part 2)

Dear Bloggers,

Please see for Part 1

The students demonstrated their robots to the class showing/playing: how the ultrasonic sensor stopped the robot 10cm from an object, displays on the screen, appropriate sounds/words and  friendly / unfriendly actions.  In addition the design of the robot was assessed including how robust it was.

Some Foe-Bots threw projectiles, had hammer arms, charged, made  nasty noises, had chainsaw attachments and blinked unwelcoming messages and symbols on their screen.  One was a Belligerent-Bot as it said ‘No’ and then turned its back on you and walked away.  The children enjoyed thinking up the foe-ish actions for their robots and it was very exciting to see how they translated their ideas into the building and programming of their Bots.

The Friend-Bots waved happily, approached slowly, made cheerful pleasant sounds or words and often wore lovely flowers and feathers.  Interestingly (or not) most students choose to make a Foe-Bot.

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Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick