Year 4L and 4/3N pack up lego the fun way.

Dear Bloggers,

Housekeeping is a necessary chore for us all and certainly this is the case in the lego robotics classroom.  4L and 4/3 showed great initiative and innovation when I asked them to stack all the like pieces of lego together and they created the Lego city.  Lots of children wanted their photo with the lego so here they are…..

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Thanks for calling by


Mrs Garlick

4L and 4/3N save Rapunzel

Dear Bloggers,

4L and 4/3N have been very busy saving Rapunzel from her tower.

About 6 weeks ago a paper plane came flying mysteriously  into our room.  This is what it said.

Hello I am your friend Rapunzel.  Do you remember me?  I am the girl with long flowing  golden hair who you rescued from the tower at the beginning of this term.  I have some devastating news.  After you kindly saved me I did not live happily ever after…alas the witch caught me again and put me back into the tower. Now she watches me even more closely!  Recently she planted poisonous bushes at the base of the tower which cause instant death if you touch them. These make it even more difficult for me to escape.  Perhaps you do not know this but I can see your Lego Robotics classroom at Gordon East Public School from my window. My heart is pounding with excitement because I see you have built and programmed cranes to move heavy loads.  I am not that heavy and I would rather think of myself as a gorgeous Princess rather than a ‘load’ but please can you help me escape again.  I thought Cranes would be good for my rescue as they use pulleys, levers, gears, motors and sensors. Last time some of you saved me with catapults and flinging lever arms. Please don’t think me ungrateful but they were quite scary and did mess up my hair.  I did enjoy escaping with your designs that stopped to let me in like a Ferris wheel  loading passengers.  I was quite terrified climbing down the stairs and ladders that some of you kindly made for me…as navigating them in high heels was quite perilous.  A lovely safe well controlled crane, however, is perfect.


Here is what you must do? (Design and challenge brief)

  1. Make a model of my tower so that you can practise rescuing me.  My tower is cylinder shaped and my window is 20cm from the ground.  I do need a floor to stand on. Please only
    spend time decorating my tower once you have finished all the other work.
  2.  Design and make a comfortable and safe seat that I can fit in and attach this securely to the lifting hook on the crane.
  3.  Program your crane to wind the hook and my chair up to my window and stop for 3 seconds so I can get in.  Please control this using at least one sensor or keyboard commands as I cannot jump onto a moving seat.
  4. Use your handle on the crane to rotate the crane 180degrees so when I land I will be as far away from the castle as possible and avoid the treacherous poisonous bushes.
  5. Lower me slowly (I get motion sick) onto the ground and control this so the crane stops when I touch down. Please do not smash me into the ground.
  6. Return the crane to its original position so the Witch is not suspicious.
  7. Fast rescuers please add/program: appropriate sounds, backgrounds including relevant messages, a timer to measure how long the rescue takes and motion and tilt sensors.Please practice my rescue.
  8. Practise makes perfect you know.  Your rescue attempt may not work the first few times.  Think of this as a challenge and ask yourself why and what you can do to make it better.  Continue this process of design, make, appraise until you have my perfect rescue.
  9. Most of all never give up….when the going gets tough the tough get going!!!
  10.  Super-fast workers

Please write a letter to the witch and pretend to be her beloved old mother who is very sick.  Coax the witch to go and visit her so she is out of the way during the rescue.  Her mum’s name is Mrs Martha and the witch will need lots of convincing to leave me so your letter must be very persuasive!  The witch also likes very neat and well set out letters.

  • Please  decorate my castle and the surrounding fields.  It may be beautiful with pretty turrets, flags, flowers and lovely colours or a castle of horrors with thorny bushes growing up the sides and dark colours.  Don’t forget the poisonous plants.
  • Once you are ready carry out my rescue……I can hardly wait.
  • Please think about and reflect on my rescue……you  never know the witch might catch me again and you will have to repeat this exercise. Consider what was good and bad about my rescue?  What problems did you have and how did you overcome them?  How could you improve on my rescue next time? Hopefully there will not be a next time……..but you never know.

Remember I can see you and I need you to be trying your best at all times.

Thank you so much .


You will be very pleased to know that our talented students allowed Rapunzel to escape and she is now off with her Prince living happily ever after.

Here are some photos of the students in action.



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Here is a video of some students in 4/3N saving Rapunzel.

Here is how some students in 4L carried out the rescue.

Thanks for calling by


Mrs Garlick




Ferris Wheels

Dear Boggers,

4L and 4/3N made ferris wheels and programmed them to stop and allow the riders to get on and off.  Some clever students changed the program so the ride continued for 10 rotations before the riders had to disembark. Other pupils created controllers using the tilt sensor to change the direction or the speed of the motion.

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Thanks for calling by


Mrs Garlick

4/3N and 4L Help the Three Bears Fix the ‘Goldilocks Problem’.

The Three Bears needed some serious help with Goldilocks as they did not appreciate their porridge being eaten, chairs broken and beds slept in.  Classes 4/3N and 4L came to the rescue by designing, making and programming chairs that were guaranteed to keep Goldilocks away or at least teach her a good lesson. Below are photos and videos of their solutions.

Spinning chairs to make her very dizzy


                                      Rotating chairs to flip her offgoldilocks-2Catapulting chairs


Chairs on cars that drove her away….off the ledge


Tipping Chairs that dropped  Goldilocks  into the trapdoor below.


Chairs with lots of gearing up that  rotated so quickly that Goldilocks was very ill

goldilocks-8 goldilocks-5

Please click on the links below to watch the videos of the class in action.

Goldilocks video for windows

Charlie and Wookjae’s model


Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick

Classes 4L and 4/3N take their ‘gearing’ to a new level.

Dear Bloggers,

Many of the models  the children make use a gear turning a crown gear to change the direction of the motion 90 degrees. Students were challenged to use this gearing combination in their own designs and write a program to showcase what it can do.  Level 1 (advanced) created their own design and geared up or down depending on the function.  Level 2 used a stimulus diagram to base their design on but they made a series of modifications. Level 3 (basic) made the model in the stimulus diagram and  small changes where possible. The children who made successful level 3 models presented them to the class.

Below are some of the high level models.

Helicopter houses

challenge 1-13 challenge 1-14

Cart with turning sign

challenge 1-15

Cart with a horse and rotating sign

challenge 1-21

Rotating DJ stand

challenge 1-24

This is the program that the boys wrote for the DJ stand….it is amazing.  Let me interpret for you…   Nothing happened until the motion sensor detected motion…and then the count down began.  Once the display reached 0 an explosion graphic displayed in the window and there was an exploding sound.  The DJ stands then rotated one way at a certain power level for a set amount of time and then changed direction and speed.  There was also a reset program for the display. WOW boys well done!!!!!!!challenge 1-23

 The perfect party setup with a rotating umbrella

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Rotating dance floor.

crown gear challenge-12 A Llama with a rotating head

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And lots and lots of other amazing creations and good educational fun.

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Thanks for calling by

Mrs GArlick

Giant Escape

Dear Bloggers,

The classroom today was full of roaring giants.    Initially the giants slept peacefully but when they detected motion (with their sensors) they woke up, stood up and let out a thunderous roar.  Thankfully the students wrote clever programs to control these mighty creatures.

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Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick

Stage 2 Build Planes and Control them with Tilt Sensors

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Dear Bloggers,

Today the children in Stage 2 started their unit  ‘Adventure Stories’ by  building a plane and controlling the speed with a tilt sensor.  They programmed  the plane to fly  at maximum speed when the sensor was tilted upwards  and a random speed when the sensor was tilted down.   The children added appropriate sounds to accompany the type of motion.  Next week each pair will pretend they are the pilot and a reporter and carry out an interview.  This will be presented to the class using the plane as a prop. Above are some photos.



Thanks for calling by


Mrs Garlick