Year 3 Create Flexible Structures and Strong Shapes

Dear Bloggers,

Year 3 investigated different types of joints – fixed and flexible.  Students experimented with shapes such as squares, pentagons, hexagons etc  made with  flexible joints.  All the shapes collapsed until we built the humble triangle which is a very strong shape. The next challenge was to build a square and do ‘something to i’t to make it strong.  The answer was bracing and what shape do we brace with??? – triangles of course.  The problem solving activities continued as students  were given a diagram of the scissorhand  shown in the photograph below and asked to build it.  Many pupils were able to  unlock the secrets of a well constructed and straight scissor hand for themselves whilst others needed that bit of extra help. Ask your child what the secrets are?





Thanks for calling by


Mrs Garlick

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