Friend or Foe-Bot

Dear Bloggers,

For the last month Years 5 and 6 having been creating a Friend or Foe-Bot.

Each pair chose whether to make their bot a ‘Friend’ or ‘Foe’.

Students then brainstormed how their robot would act, what it would look like and how they would build it.  They sketched plans and discussed their programs.  Finally the pupils looked at the different level of activites outlined below and decided on a level that would challenge them but still be achievable.


Level 1 – Follow building instructions to create your Bot, program and use  the ultrasonic sensor and write a simple program.  The program must involve making at least one sound and one display on the screen. You can rebuild the robot made last term (easiest option) or follow the building instructions for a new one (more difficult option). Your Bot will exhibit at least one action to show whether it is friendly or not.

Level 2 – Follow building instructions in level 1 but make  own design modifications.  Use the ultrasonic sensor and write a moderately complicated program including at least 2 different sounds or music and at least 2 relevant displays. Your Bot will exhibit 2 or 3 actions to show whether it is friendly or not .

Level 3 – Build your own Bot, use the ultrasonic and sound sensors to control the robot and write a detailed program involving composing your own music to suit the theme of your Bot. Your Bot will exhibit complicated behaviours to show whether it is friendly or not.

All levels- Robots must not touch each other and must always be at least 10cm apart.


foebots foebots-2 foebots-3 foebots-4

Watch this space – lots more is coming.


Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick


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