Friend or Foe-Bot

Dear Bloggers,

For the last month Years 5 and 6 having been creating a Friend or Foe-Bot.

Each pair chose whether to make their bot a ‘Friend’ or ‘Foe’.

Students then brainstormed how their robot would act, what it would look like and how they would build it.  They sketched plans and discussed their programs.  Finally the pupils looked at the different level of activites outlined below and decided on a level that would challenge them but still be achievable.


Level 1 – Follow building instructions to create your Bot, program and use  the ultrasonic sensor and write a simple program.  The program must involve making at least one sound and one display on the screen. You can rebuild the robot made last term (easiest option) or follow the building instructions for a new one (more difficult option). Your Bot will exhibit at least one action to show whether it is friendly or not.

Level 2 – Follow building instructions in level 1 but make  own design modifications.  Use the ultrasonic sensor and write a moderately complicated program including at least 2 different sounds or music and at least 2 relevant displays. Your Bot will exhibit 2 or 3 actions to show whether it is friendly or not .

Level 3 – Build your own Bot, use the ultrasonic and sound sensors to control the robot and write a detailed program involving composing your own music to suit the theme of your Bot. Your Bot will exhibit complicated behaviours to show whether it is friendly or not.

All levels- Robots must not touch each other and must always be at least 10cm apart.


foebots foebots-2 foebots-3 foebots-4

Watch this space – lots more is coming.


Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick


Years 5/6 Do The Harlem Shake

Dear Bloggers.

Years 5/6 H, M and Y did the Harlem Shake.  Each little video clip of the Harlem Shake  runs for about 30 seconds but as we all know there is always a huge amount of work and edited footage that goes behind the scenes.

The students were asked to build and program robots that danced.  Dancing involves lots of short interesting movements such as pivoting, moving backwards and forwards, rocking, shuffling and so much more.  All this is done within a very confined space… think of those crowded dance floors where there is barely room to move.    Added to this the Bots could make their own music or say things and display how they were feeling on their screens.  One very difficult constraint was that the Bots only have 3 output ports meaning students could only use three motors.  This is difficult when human dancers use four  (2 arms and 2 legs).  No problem, however, was too great for the talented students at GEPS.  The videos below shows the amazing results they created. (And yes we have a sneak peek behind the scenes).

This photo showcases one of the many amazing Dance Bots and its creators.  Well done boys!!!



Below are all the video links for the Dance Bots.


Making of the Dance Bots for Windows

Making of the Dance Bots for Mac

5/6M Do The Harlem Shake for Windows

5/6M Do The Harlem Shake for Mac

5/6Y Do The Harlem Shake for Windows

5/6Y Do The Harlem Shake for Mac

5/6H Harlem Shake for Windows

5/6 Harlem Shake for Mac

Unfortunately the quality of these videos is limited by the upload size that I am allowed onto the EduBlog site. (Yes I have used good compression software).

 If you would like high resolution versions please can students bring  a USB drive to school and I will copy it for them.


Thanks for calling by


Mrs Garlick

Years 5 and 6 really put their foot down – Making Speed-Bots

Dear Bloggers,

5/6M, Y and H were given a speed challenge – to make and program a robot to travel as fast as possible in a straight line.

The lesson had 4 levels

  1. Build a robot with wheels using building instructions
  2. Do above then carry out own design modifications
  3. Design and build own robot from scratch
  4. Do above but add compound gearing system to the robot.

Needless to say the fastest results came from the level 4 achievers – but not without lots of rebuilds and ongoing design modifications.  Some amazing problem solving happened and the tenacious and resilient students were rewarded finally by very Speedy- Bots.


Speed-Bot time trials


 A very very fast Speed-Bot using compound gears.


Close up of the compound gears.



Thanks for calling by

Mrs Garlick

Year 5/6 and Loco-bot

Dear Bloggers,

Years 5 and 6 were challenged to design and make a robot that moved an ‘alternative way’ ( not using the traditional wheels rolling on axles). Their ‘Loco-bots’ jumped, slid, walked and moved in many ingenious and often hilarious ways.



Here is a video of the Best Loco-Bots


video for windows – please click the link below

Best Loco bots 2013


video for Mac – please click the link below

Best Loco bots 2013 blog apple









Thanks for calling by


Mrs Garlick